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Casa do Xisto

COR v2-correcao-FINAL-2(3)-ekta-caffenol-tamanho-corrigido Copy

anima   2023

film (black and white developed with eco-processing caffenol + colour reversal ektachrome), 4'16'', sound

Anima is a slow wandering where the eye searches for light and shadows become characters. Inside a natural environment, it reflects on a feeling of enchantment and the mystery of things, trying to experience a connection with a sense of transformation, where forms are fluid and transitory, but evocative of a long lasting relation with landscape. Shot in analogue film in two parts (first black and white developed with eco-processing caffenol and second one with color ektachrome), it also reveals how sunlight burns and interacts with film, as a sensitive material in itself. 

The title refers to the latin word Anima, that means both air, breath, and wind, or soul and vitality. Through an ocarina, an ancient instrument to call birds or other mystic entities, a gentle breeze emerges: through my own breath, I perform a call to the unknown, willing to communicate through time and space. 


1. (editada) barlos2023-anadinis-e-goncalocosta.jpg

 anima    2023

digitized analogue film projection, 4k, 4'16'', sound

Cultivo [Cultivation]    2019-2020

Grão -residências artísticas (2019), Quinta das Relvas, Albergaria-a-velha


Artist residency at:  Casa do Xisto, with the support of Zoom - Associação Cultural

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 © 2022-2023 by Joana Patrão

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